Art Director + Designer + Illustrator

Apartment Therapy Comfort Decorating

Art direction and design for Apartment Therapy's Comfort Decorating. The main deliverable was the interactive buttons for the landing page and lead art for its’ 16 articles. Collaboration with the product team to create playful hover states which can be seen here. Additional deliverables included Instagram stories, Instagram carousels, promotional emails, and ad roadblocks for Apartment Therapy's website.Art Direction + Design: Erin Wengrovius


Art direction and design for Apartment Therapy's Comfort Decorating. The main deliverable was the interactive buttons for the landing page and lead art for its’ 16 articles. Collaboration with the product team to create playful hover states which can be seen here. Additional deliverables included Instagram stories, Instagram carousels, promotional emails, and ad roadblocks for Apartment Therapy’s website.

Art Direction + Design: Erin Wengrovius

The design was inspired by joy and nostalgia.